How to make oatmeal better

When researching for healthy eating meal ideas the number one option I repeatedly found for breakfast was oatmeal. 
I don't know about you guys but for me oatmeal is just so boring. 
I found a few ways to make it a meal to look forward to and I'm going to share them with you in the next couple posts. 

First I want to quickly mention the benefits of having oatmeal for breakfast:
According to Health line oatmeal is one of the healthiest grains in the world.
It is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as : manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron. zinc, folate and vitamin B1 & B5.

Also oatmeal is higher in protein and fat than most grains and it reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Not to mention it provides the body with healthy bacteria which is good for your gut!

Moving on Ill finally tell you how to throw your oatmeal together so you can actually look forward to eating it. 

First I start out with a half a cup of oats in a bowl to which i add a dash of cinnamon. I only add enough water to cover the oats by a centimeter or so because I prefer a thicker consistency. I add a drizzle of honey and a dash of powdered vanilla creamer, but you can also add the milk of your preference. Lastly I neatly spread out a row of chia seeds ( essential for delicious crunch)
and add half a banana sliced thin and some blueberries. 
you can also add a teaspoon of peanut or almond butter to make it even more delicious. 

In my next post I will be showing you an alternative method to making oats that allows you to save more time in the mornings.


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