Veggie fajita bowl

I wanted to show you one of my favorite dinner plates that is so quick and easy to make.
For this recipe I used a green bell pepper, half an onion, broccoli, six baby carrots, but you can really use any vegetables that are in your fridge. Asparagus or zucchini would also be really good in this dish.
I start by making brown rice, which is just a preference you can always use any rice you like.
Then I throw the broccoli into a pan with about three table spoons of water. I let that cook for about 5 minutes. .

Mean while I throw my sliced vegetable's into a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and dashes of theses spices: salt, paprika, cayenne, chili powder, garlic powder, and cumin. I also add the juice of half a lime and two shakes of soy sauce.
I add the veggies and spices to the pan of broccoli and cook this for about 5 minutes. I consistently mix it so all the veggies are coated in the spices.
Then I plate it up on top of the rice.
I eat this dinner plate without meat pretty often but sometimes I like to add skirt steak or chicken and its even better!


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