
Showing posts from February, 2018

roasted brussel sprouts

This is my roasted brussel sprout recipe, as simple as it is I found that I had to make brussel sprouts a few times before I finally found a recipe that I liked.  My first tip is to start with fresh Brussel sprouts instead of frozen, in my experience the frozen kind usually end up soggy.  After rinsing the Brussel sprouts I cut them in half and lay them all on my baking sheet.  First i drizzle them with olive oil so that all my seasoning sticks to them . Then i sprinkle garlic powder, salt and pepper. Last I  add a few shakes of soy sauce and toss them around. Before putting them into the oven I make sure that they are all flat side down.  Bake them at 420 for about 22 minutes. The finished product is illustrated above, crispy savory Brussel sprouts.


Calling seafood lovers!                                I'm going to share with you a piece of my culture, Ceviche! Ceviche is a dish I grew up eating and have grown to love. It is a seafood dish that is popular in Guatemala and all over South America.  The beauty of this dish is that you can customize it by adding the seafood of your choice.  It is best eaten cold with tortilla chips or tostadas.  This is usually served at parties as an appetizer.  I start by washing my seafood, in this case the shrimp also needed to be peeled and the tilapia needed to be diced.  once I'm done i put them into a large bowl and add the juice of about 12 limes to the seafood, i cover with plastic wrap and store it in the fridge for about 5 hours.  The amount of time you store it depends on the seafood itself, you have to check and stir it every once in a while and you will notice when the lime has cooked the fish.  the fish is no longer translucent and it has the

rosemary lemon roasted chicken

I roasted a whole chicken for the first time last week and it came out so delicious i wanted to share the recipe. Above is my chicken before baking. I added olive oil pam spray before any seasonings.  I stuffed the chicken with thyme and one onion chopped in half. On top of the chicken i sprinkled salt, pepper, garlic salt, rosemary and squeezed a whole lemon all over it.  I added some lemon sliced on top and popped it in the over at 350 degrees for 1 hour.  The chicken was crispy on the some parts but juicy and delicious inside.

overnight oats

Over night oats is the perfect option for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to spare in the morning, whether it be because you have an early start, or you like to sleep in as long as possible, this recipe will be perfect for you! Illustrated below are some of the ingredients you will need, not including the fruit topping, sweetener, and milk of choice. I'm using mason jars I got for a dollar at the dollar store, these are  perfect because they are drip proof so you can through them in your backpack, they also fit perfectly in a car cup holder, and you can put them in the dish washer.  Start by adding half a cup of oats into the jars. Next add cinnamon (optional)  Ive also added chia seeds into my jars.  Now you can add your sweetener, i chose to use honey, and your fruit of choice.  Add enough milk so there is an inch of milk over the top of the oatmeal. Now shake it up and put it in the fridge and your done!

How to make oatmeal better

When researching for healthy eating meal ideas the number one option I repeatedly found for breakfast was oatmeal.  I don't know about you guys but for me oatmeal is just so boring.  I found a few ways to make it a meal to look forward to and I'm going to share them with you in the next couple posts.  First I want to quickly mention the benefits of having oatmeal for breakfast: According to Health line oatmeal is one of the healthiest grains in the world. It is loaded with vitamins and minerals such as : manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron. zinc, folate and vitamin B1 & B5. Also oatmeal is higher in protein and fat than most grains and it reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Not to mention it provides the body with healthy bacteria which is good for your gut! Moving on Ill finally tell you how to throw your oatmeal together so you can actually look forward to eating it.  First I start out with a half a cup of oats in a bo

Veggie fajita bowl

I wanted to show you one of my favorite dinner plates that is so quick and easy to make. For this recipe I used a green bell pepper, half an onion, broccoli, six baby carrots, but you can really use any vegetables that are in your fridge. Asparagus or zucchini would also be really good in this dish. I start by making brown rice, which is just a preference you can always use any rice you like. Then I throw the broccoli into a pan with about three table spoons of water. I let that cook for about 5 minutes. . Mean while I throw my sliced vegetable's into a bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and dashes of theses spices: salt, paprika, cayenne, chili powder, garlic powder, and cumin. I also add the juice of half a lime and two shakes of soy sauce. I add the veggies and spices to the pan of broccoli and cook this for about 5 minutes. I consistently mix it so all the veggies are coated in the spices. Then I plate it up on top of the rice. I eat this dinner plate without me

Banana Bread Heaven

This is my favorite recipe for banana bread I hope you like it!    Here are the ingredients you will need: 1 1/2 cups of flour 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla 2 eggs 3/4 cups of sugar 3 or 4 bananas 1/2 cup of butter handful of chocolate chips To put it all together start by mixing the butter, sugar and eggs together in a bowl.  For this recipe I like to use light butter .  Next add in bananas, salt and baking soda and mix again.  I now place a strainer over the bowl and add in my organic flour which I feel make a big difference in the bread. I use the strainer to sift the flour into the mixture. I add the vanilla and handful of chocolate chips and mix once more before moving the mixture to my loaf pan.  Last bake for 70 minutes at 350 degrees and enjoy!!!

sweet tooth fix

Hey guys I wanted to show you my obsession lately when I'm craving for something sweet. It really kills the craving and fills me up too.  Okay so what your looking at here is a whole wheat bagel thin with peanut butter.  Next I sprinkle chia seeds on top. (rich in fiber, iron, omega-3, antioxidants, and calcium) I top it off with half a banana sliced up thin and I drizzle some honey on top.  And last but not least I dust it with cinnamon.  Try this out the next time you are craving something sweet and you wont be sorry.  

At home iced coffee

Hello again, For this first post I thought I would start out with something easy, simple, and affordable.  I for one am a coffee drinker. I don't only drink it for its caffeine benefits, but also because I just like the way it tastes. I enjoy  hot coffee usually but sometimes I like to go for iced coffee. So this is my at home iced coffee and I'm going to tell you how I make it.  There are two methods I use to get my perfect iced coffee.  Option 1: I purchase the Starbucks medium roast iced coffee that is unsweetened which is sold at just about every grocery store.  Then I our about 2 cups into a pitcher. I add to this a splash of cashew milk (you can add any milk).  Next because I don't want to feel guilty about drinking this I try to make it as healthy as possible but I still like my coffee sweet. So I boil 1/4 of a cup of water. when it is hot I add 2 table spoons of sugar and 2 table spoons of vanilla powdered creamer.  The reason I use powder crea

About me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Monique, I am 24 and I just graduated college. I am currently embarking on a health journey which includes me changing the way I eat. I am not a professional cook or a nutritionist  but I am trying to make changes in my life to be healthy and I would like to share the food portion of it with you. I know sometimes I feel lost in the kitchen or grocery store with no idea what to cook, the first thing I do is get inspiration from Pinterest. I decided to share some of the things I make, in hopes to help inspire some of you. If you like simple food and are interested in pictures and recipes please stick around.  My first post will be coming soon.